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Mixer Keys

Marketing Tools

To shop our marketing tools, click SHOP, then click the very first option, "services". Here, we offer a variety of marketing tools such as electronic press kits, article press, an organic guide to Instagram, and more. Read below for more details!

We offer many services here at Read below for information on each service. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Go to SHOP > Services.



Be Featured On My Blog

For Electronic Music Producers and DJs

Gain more credibility. Advertise your music. Build an Audience.

What is

  • is an official business and LLC. I sell marketing tools, clothing and also model for different clubs and venues in DC. And of course, I run an official blog!

  • If you’d like to learn more, go on my website, and click the + button under “About”.

Why should I be featured in your blog? What will I gain as an artist?

  • Keep in mind that much of my audience lives in DC and is part of the EDM community as well as the nightlife community, so that’s the audience you’ll be exposed to the most.

  • Press is always good, especially when it’s good press.

  • I keep things authentic. I will not write about an artist if I feel like their music content isn’t up to par. That being said, I’ve never turned anyone down so far, and it won’t hurt to try! Even if you’re a beginner, you still have just as much of a chance as anyone else, as long as you think your music is good, others probably will too.

  • You will be able to advertise links to your music, your socials, and whatever else you’d like to my following. Keep in mind that I have a big following and I will be adding a link to our article on my story. (I also expect you to post the article link on your story as well)

  • An Instagram verification requires certain entities. Press articles are a part of these entities.

  • Being able to say, “I have an article written about me and my music” is a privilege.

That sounds amazing. How can I contact you?

  • You can either email me at with the subject line as, “Blog Post Request” or you can simply DM me on Instagram!

  • If I don’t answer one or the other in the next 48 hours, please feel free to send another message or email.

What does the process look like?

  • After you’ve contacted me, we can start the interview process.

  • I will ask you (through DM, text, or email) a series of questions that will be simple to answer. Please try your best to keep them a paragraph or less. I’ll go over the length a little more in depth when I send out the email with the questions.

  • Once I feel like I’ve gotten enough information I will then let you know a time period of when I’ll be writing your article.

  • What I need from you: 1-2 Pictures, links to your music and socials, an email to send the draft to and an EPK (if you don’t have one that’s fine!)

  • After I finish writing I’ll email you the draft. Please let me know if I misquoted you or if there are any errors before I post!

  • I expect you to promote the article on your socials as well. Try to promote your article as much as you can!

  • After I’ve posted the article on my blog and my story, that’s when I require payment! (see below)

Payment details

  • Once the article is up, payment can be done on my website. Go to SHOP > Services and it’s the very first block that pops up, “Article Payment”.

  • As mentioned before, I take payment AFTER I’ve written your article. I do this as a curtesy.

  • Once the article is posted, you have 24 hours to pay (or start paying if you decide to use a payment plan), if payment is not done in this time frame, the article and posts will be archived until you pay. 

  • I understand that many artists are struggling financially due to covid. I offer discounts for those who cannot pay the full price. If you tell me your situation, we can work something out. If truly have the money to pay for the article, please do so and don’t take advantage of my generosity! I do this for the passion of others.




My online classes/guides are filled with written information based off my own knowledge that I've obtained from my degree as well as independent studies. I go into depth on each subject psychologically and make sure each subject is broken down and easy to understand. 


Once purchased, you will see a thank you page with your downloads at the bottom. Click the download button and open the PDF file. All your information is in that one file, and if you want to search up a specific chapter or word, click Ctrl F on your laptop or computer. 




What is an EPK and why would I need one? EPK stands for “Electronic Press Kit”. This kit is your professional digital portfolio for promoters, bloggers, booking agents, venues, club & festival owners and basically anyone you’ll be working with in the industry to look at. It contains everything from photos, music links, social profiles, and your biography. If you’re an artist who is looking to take your career seriously and you plan on getting gigs, press, or anything that will pertain to your success as an artist, you NEED an EPK.


If you're interested in buying an EPK, I have plenty of different options and they're extremely affordable. It's that easy to invest in your career!





If you love to write, are looking for a piece of professional writing to put on your resume or are just looking to have a voice on a topic that you’re passionate about within the electronic music or DC nightlife scene, we have a downloadable document on more information and how to contact me.


Free + great to put on a resume!









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