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Industry Secrets is an online course that talks about the ins and outs of the music industry using marketing strategies, psychology and getting you the connections you need. This course includes nine lessons.


Lesson one: Quality

-Going in depth on Media Training


-Your EPK

Lesson two: Building up your name


-Where to find support

-Getting out of your comfort zone

-Your personal aesthetic


Lesson three: Working with a trusted marketing company

-Names of trusted marketing companies (One of which I’ve worked with)

-Going in depth on marketing and advertising

Lesson four: Collaboration

-What collaborating with artists can do for you

-More on collaboration

Lesson five: Establishing a team

-List of trusted agencies

-List of team players and what they do

Lesson six: Getting involved


-More on media

Lesson seven: Creating a website

-How to create a website (basics)

-SEO optimization

Lesson eight: Consistency

-Consistency in different areas


Lesson nine: Verification

-How to get verified on social media platforms

-Press articles

-How to answer press questions


Invest in your career today.



Once purchased, you will see a thank you page with your downloads at the bottom. Click the download button and open the PDF file. All your information is in that one file, and if you want to search up a specific chapter or word, click Ctrl F on your laptop or computer. 

Industry Secrets- An Online Course to the Music Industry

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